Friday, October 29, 2010


I think we often don't realize that people that we see as strong, very capable people have bad days.....weeks....months.....just like most people. Take some time to really listen and hear what your friends ARE NOT SAYING.

I have even had the experience of telling friends exactly what I am feeling and they just look at me and move on to another subject. It's like they can't believe someone "like me" could have a bad day. I am always there for them.....but I think they feel intimidated to help me ~ because I am always the one to help them. Don't be silly. Your "strong, mentor-type" friends have problems as well.....and when they are going through a rough time.....they need you to remind them of the things they have taught you. WE ARE ALL CRACKED POTS. WE ALL LEAK!

Several years ago now, I had the fortunate/unfortunate experience of suffering from a chemical imbalance in my brain, which, by the way......I didn't believe in, and had told anyone who would listen that there is no such thing and the answer was to get rid of the demon! I can remember exactly when and where it started. I was sitting in my van outside a youth meeting at the Lubbock Convention Center on February 28th. I had just turned 37 years old, although I am only 29 today.

I was always full of boundless energy, ready to serve whoever needed me, pray with whomever asked, listened to God and wrote down everything He said on any piece of paper I could get ahold of at the time. One time I asked the checker in the grocery store If I could borrow her pen for a moment. God had just given me a revelation about something and I wanted to write it down before I forgot. I quickly scribbled just a few words on the back of my receipt, ran home and wrote several pages in my journal so I could share it the next time I was teaching at church, or just talking with a friend.

As I was saying....on February 28th ~ something in my brain changed. I FELT it. It felt like the synapse (connections) that go on in your brain without you ever noticing suddenly weren't connecting. It was very frightening, but the feeling went away in a few mintues, leaving me feeling rather confused and disoriented. I was not sure what had happened.

Unfortunately, the mental confusion continued. I could no longer do multiple tasks at one time, my brain felt foggy, like I was trying to think through gooey oatmeal or some kind of thick fabric. I began to be very frightened and thought I was going to die; I was certain something was growing in my brain; I was having a stroke, heart attack or something horrible. I imagined going to the doctor and trying to explain these unusal vague symptoms. I couldn't bring myself to go to the doctor because I knew I would sound like a crazy person trying to describe what was happening to me.

This feeling lasted for months. I PUSHED myself to complete my daily tasks and obligations (homeschooling and teaching at church and all sorts of volunteering and helping other people). I told some of my friends what I was feeling, but like I said, I don't think they could imagine that I would ever need help, and if I did......they were not qualified to help me ~ the teacher, the mentor, the "super Christian".

I became convinced I was being attacked by a demon. That would be the advise I would have given a friend suffering from these "symptoms". I tried to talk to Louis about it. He tried to understand, but couldn't imagine that I could have such problems as this. He too, was convinced I was being attacked by a demon. We went into full spiritual warfare mode. I watched no tv, listened to no news, nothing that would make me anxious. I read the Word, prayed, rebuked, worshipped, closed any spiritual door or window I or Louis could think of. The symptoms persisted.

More in Part 2.

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