Thursday, August 4, 2011


"Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are ENVELOPED in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations." James 1:2 Amp

WHAT WAS GOD THINKING? He truly was thinking about you, about me, about everyone He loves. It is in trials that we grow in the Lord, find out where our heart really is and learn to depend on God and His word. During hard times we find out who we depend on the most: God or man. Who do you run to first? The Throne or the phone? I'm not saying it's bad to ask others for prayer or advise.....but what is your first instinct when in trouble? Do you call your mother, your friend, your pastor? Or do you call on the Name of the Lord?

Believe it or not, God knows what you are going to ask before you do and He is NEVER surprised at your situation. He isn't even surprised by your reaction! I am fascinated by the word ENVELOPED in this scripture, taken from the Amplified version (for the hard of hearing....LOL). I have felt ENVELOPED many times by what seemed like horrible situations. I have felt completely stuffed and sealed with no apparent way out. Are you feeling that way today, dear one?

Take comfort in God's words to "count it wholly joyful". For it means He is working in you to free you from those pesky fears we all have when things are not going as we think they should. Take comfort that God is with you in that ENVELOPE. Wow! Could He get any closer? He has promised never to leave you or forsake He is closer than ever right now. Be still and feel His arms comforting you in your ENVELOPE. You are safe!

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