Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Some thoughts on intercessory prayer.

I love to pray….just me and God…….but I really enjoy praying with one or more people. It just seems to bring out the ____________ in me. You fill in the blank.

Intercessory prayer is POWERFUL. But, if you are not neutral as you pray for a situation or a person….it can, and often does become a gossip/my opinion fest. This truly grieves the heart of God. I have been in meetings where the Spirit of the Lord was thick and flowing……and suddenly, the Spirit is quenched……..because someone expressed their will on the situation and NOT God’s. It’s like all the air went out of the room. You intercessors know what I am talking about.

I believe the Lord would say to us intercessors: Make no judgments where you have no compassion. I know you know what I am talking about…… want God to “GET SOMEONE” because of their “grievous sin”. Or maybe you think you know more than God and start to tell Him what to do about a matter. It often seems like we spend a lot of time telling God about something He ALREADY knows EVERYTHING about. These are signs we have not come to neutral.

When we are in “neutral”, we have no will of our own in the matter of which we are praying. To pray God’s will…we have to shut-up and listen. I believe one of the true purposes of prayer is to get us in agreement with God……not trying to get God in agreement with us. How smart do we think we are? We are not God’s boss if He is truly Lord in our lives.

When we are in neutral, we are at peace in our spirit, confident that what God decides is the best. We have compassion on the sinner and not judgment in mind. I believe that as intercessors, God allows us to hear His voice as He invites us into His truth. We come into agreement with God – the Almighty, All Knowing, All Powerful One, and we are then privileged to join Him in His work. We speak His words in agreement together and then God moves!

So, check your motives, intercessors. Our words have the power to heal……….and to destroy.

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