Sunday, August 16, 2009



How often do you really become still before the Lord? How long do you spend being still – say in relation to the other things you do all day? Think about that for a few minutes….maybe write down everything you do all day and see how much time you actually return to Him.

I’m not talking about the kind of praying where you tell God everything He already knows and how to handle all the situations in your life to your satisfaction. I’m talking about how much time do you spend WITH Him – enjoying His presence and God enjoying being with you. I’m talking about how much time do you spend allowing Him to do the talking and you to do the listening? How much time do you spend asking Him to show you the dirt in your heart, to remove the dirt and rocks – let’s just say it – SIN – in your life.

We often don’t know we are in sin until we take the time to ask for revelation. Cry out! What lies am I believing, where am I deceived? What damage am I doing that I don’t know about? What do I need to do to re-align my life to Your Ways and not my own?

Be still and come into submission to everything the Holy Spirit wants to do in your life. Yield and bend to what God wants to do in this season of your life. He can change you to love just like Him and have fruit just like His. He can do ANYTHING with a person wholly yielded to Him. How, you might ask? Let me make a suggestion that works for me:

Yield your clay (yourself) to God. He may want to add water (the Holy Spirit) so that it become malleable; allow Him to pull out the rocks, bits of debris and dried grass, straw and plants. Allow Him to flatten your clay by pounding, kneading and adding more water until you are of the right consistency to be molded into the shape He desires.....not what you want to dream of - but only what He desires.

That's getting to the place of neutral where you have no will of your own except to yield your clay to the Master. It is a place of peace, rest and restoration - where God can work in the quiet, secret place of your heart. Let Him shape you, mold you and throw you on the wheel. Be ready to yield - to give up EVERYTHING that you thought was yours, that you thought was "right" - so that He can purify you - make you holy - set apart for His purposes and NOT your own purposes or the purposes, hopes and dreams of other people around you.

As Paul says....."not that I have already obtained that.........." I surely have not. But each day that I yield to the Spirit and not to the flesh.........I become closer to that wonderful goal. So join me in turning on some worship music and practice being quiet and yielded in His presence. I injoy listening on-line to Those who know me, know that I always carry around a piece of pink clay……to remind myself that I am but clay – and the only job of clay is to remain soft, moldable and in the Hands of the Master.

To God Be The Glory!

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