Wednesday, September 22, 2010


I had an amazing traffic free rush hour ride up to Grapevine to pick up BFF......DB. For those who don't know who that is, don't ask. For those who want to know what the DB is all about......don't ask that either, or I will have to lie to you and tell you it means dumb blonde. Yes, we are both blondes......but NOT DUMB!!!!! I am listening to Kari Jobe's new cd.....something in the words triggered something and God started talking and I started listening. As many of you know, something we are walking through right now, is the upcoming heavenly transfer of my beloved mother-in-love, Jean. She has stage 4 lung cancer, which has recently spread to liver and bones, and is starting to cause pain. Hospice has been called to help with pain management for the time being. So.....God started to speak to me about death and dying, in particular. We just kind of had a back and forth about this subject for a few minutes. He told me the key was TRUST, and reminded me of Pastor Dean's favorite scripture: Prov. 3:5 and 6. And Pastor Dean always says if you don't have a favorite scripture, he will gladly share this one with you! LOL!

So, even though I have studied TRUST before.....I studied it again. The root word means refuge. Now, just that makes me stop and think. TRUST = REFUGE......a place to hide, to take cover, a place of SECURITY. I don't know about you, but I love security. Of course, there are numerous verses that mention God being our refuge. So.....when I trust in Him.....that is the SAFE PLACE OF SECURITY I am looking for. By the same token......if I don't TRUST in Him........I am just out there on my own (leaning on my own understanding). WHERE WOULD YOU RATHER BE?

If I truly TRUST Him with all my heart, I will walk in peace because I know He is protecting me and handling things for me. Louis works as a security manager for a local ministry. His job is make sure everything and everyone is SECURE and not in danger. He has officers to assist him that he gives orders to; he has cameras, recording devices, fences and gates, security badges that can only be used by authorized personnel to gain access to certain areas of the building and grounds, he has vehicles that his officers drive to ensure safety on the property. SECURITY........REFUGE.......builds TRUST.

God has even better security officers than Louis. They are called angels....and they do the bidding of the Lord. God doesn't need the cameras and recorders......He knows EVERYTHING! Nothing can touch us Christians without the O.K. from God, so we don't have to worry about someone gaining unauthorized access to our lives. He also had a great system of gates and fences, because......we are.....after all......just sheep.

So.......if we believe this is true: and remember, we only DO WHAT WE REALLY BELIEVE, then we can indeed TRUST Him with all our hearts about everything in our lives. I can trust God to take care of everything concerning my Other Mother and the rest of our family. And, I can trust God with my life. We never know when He will call us Home. Wouldn't it be grand if we would EMBRACE THE CURRENT SEASON IN OUR LIFE and stop fighting God? I pray that if I have a long dying experience, that I will TRUST him enough to embace that season and not fight against it, but yield to it and keep learning about Him until the end. Wouldn't it be grand if we would EMBRACE THE CURRENT SEASON IN OUR DYING LOVED ONES LIVES and stop fighting God and making deals with Him? If you will have peace and that will translate to those around you and your loved one in crisis.

I encourage everyone to learn to TRUST God as your REFUGE and your personal SECURITY officer. Then you can lay your head down in peace and rest, knowing that He cares for you and everyone you know and love. EMBRACE THE SEASON and learn all He has for you! Be the leader of light in your family during times of stress and painful loss......lead them to THE REFUGE.

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