Saturday, August 14, 2010


CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!! RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MAKING ENCHILADAS......GOD SPEAKS......and says to go write what I tell you. I have lots of company coming to eat....what do I do.....I decided to OBEY RIGHT NOW! Before the moment of freshness is gone!

*If you are going to a church where you are being judged and there are lots of rules like the kind the Pharisees added to the law of Moses.....RUN!!!!!!!

*If you are going to a church where you have to jump through a bunch of stange hoops to join because there are people in the leadership that ARE IN CONTROL.........RUN EVEN FASTER!!!!!!

*If you are going to a church where it is comfortable to stay as you are and remain in your sin or just your lazy "I'm o.k. ~ you're o.k. condition" RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN..........before you become just like them....comfortable and doing nothing to grow in your relationship with God or doing the work of the Kingdom. Yes.....there is work to be done in the Kingdom! SURPRISE! SURPRISE!

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