Tuesday, May 18, 2010


"Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. John 19:25 There is no Christianity without a cross. You cannot be a disciple of Jesus without taking up your cross. Crosses are painful, and they forever change your life.....but sometimes, the greater cost will not be to you but to those you love. If you are a mother, aunt or friend, you can put yourself in the place of the three Marys....watching someone they loved die....not slipping away quietly in His sleep....but die, actually, be murdered publically in a brutal, agonizing, undeserved death.

The cost of the cross has been great for many a mother or family as they watch their loved one follow Christ. Perhaps, at one time, you lived close to your family, but God called you to move hundreds of miles away. That is a wrenching experience for your loved ones, and for you. But perhaps more for them because you are excitedly caught up following the Lord. Even if your family is Christian, your presence will be missed by all, partly because that certain part of you that is so endearing to them, is the part God wishes you to share with the world. So a big hole is left in their hearts as they watch you go, take up your cross and follow the God they led you to follow.

BE WISE. Don't let the fear of hurting others stop you from following Jesus. He will only ask you about why you didn't obey Him on "that day".....not your family. BE WISE. Don't stand in the way of your loved one as they seek to follow Jesus. He won't ask them about that on "that day"....only you. SELAH

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