Saturday, April 24, 2010


For he said, "Because the Lord has sworn, the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation." Ex. 17:16 I love reading the OT and seeing what happened "in the natural", that God might want to talk to me about "in the spiritual". What can this scripture say to us today?

As you attempt to move forward in your relationship with God, there will be "Amalekites" that will try to distract and defeat you. The good news is that, just like with the children of Isreal, God will war against your "Amalekites". What are your "Amalekites"? Anything that keeps you from experiencing God to the fullest. If your commitment to your job is keeping you from obedience to Him, God will declare war against it. If a relationship, materalism, or a destructive activity is keeping you from obeying God's will, He will wage relentless war against it.

When God called our family to leave our home of 14 years (Levelland, Texas) and move to Dallas for Louis to attend Christ for the Nations......we were a little slow in obedience. So God began to declare war against the things that were holding us back.

One of those things was Louis's job with Mrs. Baird's Bread. He had worked there 14 years, was very successful and we were comfortable with the money he made, the insurance they provided and the house we lived in. The first thing that happened after God spoke for us to go....and we decided we couldn't go right then, was that strange unlikely things happened on his job. His sales decreased, that had never happened before, he ran his truck into the garage door of the bread warehouse and the company was really mad about fact, it began to seem that Louis could do nothing right and his company was becoming very displeased with him. Of course, we blamed the devil and gripped about the unfairness of it all. But, now, after reading that scripture, I realize that God was AT WAR with Louis's job because it was keeping him from full obedience. Many other things happened as well.....but perhaps I will mention those in a later teaching. Don't want to put all my eggs in one basket......LOL!

In truth, there is nothing so precious to you (like job security) that God will not become it's enemy if it keeps you from His will for your life. Yes, He loves us that much! You may be thinking, "How can I know what God may be fighting against in my life?" Is there something negative happening frequently with something that is dear to you and you can't figure out why? Perhaps God has taken up His cause against it. Not to hurt you. Oh no, never to hurt you......but to free you.

We foolishly think we know more about our happiness than God does. NEWS FLASH! He created us, we did not create ourselves. Struggles will cease when we put our complete trust in His will. So.....if you are struggling with something, it just might be God has declared war against it. "Cease striving (let go, relax) and know that I am God......" Ps. 46:10a.

It really comes down to who or what you are putting your trust in to take care of you, make you happy, comfortable, etc. For us, we put our trust in Mrs. Baird's as our provider, but we NEVER would have said that or thought that at the time. But it was the truth, and Truth confronted it and said, "NO! I am your provider, I will take care of you, I will make you happy, I will make you comfortable, come to Me and rest. Come to Me"

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