Thursday, May 7, 2009


Have you been mislead by the mob?

More things continue to pop out of Acts 16 and 17! Maybe I should start reading somewhere else……. Amongst these passages are clues to fight the enemy…..and perhaps just as important…..clues to keep you out of the enemy's camp!

I am convinced that sincere Christians never mean to hurt anyone….but we can get caught up in a frenzy of talk, talk, talk and become a mob incited by the enemy. Check it out in Acts 16:22….and the crowd rose up against Paul and company….threw them in jail; Acts 17:5……the Jews became jealous and took some wicked men and started a riot; Acts 17:13…….Jews became and agitated and stirred up the crowds.

You say, well, these people were sinners anyway…yeah they were. But have you not seen the same thing happen in our churches or with your friends where a juicy item gets out among the ‘faithful’ and seems everyone wants to come into agreement with that instead of doing what God calls us to do in these situations, i.e., go to the person alone….Matt. 18:15-17.

Here’s what happens: unknowingly, a Christian will hear something against another, pass that along, and before you know it – there’s a church split or a friendship split. What actually happened is - that well-meaning Christian fell into agreement with the lies and power of the enemy. That means they fell out of agreement with God and into agreement with the other side. This was never their intention, they thought they were ‘right’ – but they forgot to check the scriptures, and before you know it satan has done what he wanted to do all along……cause dissension. But God’s purposes are fulfilled in unity. Ps. 133:1 – How good and pleasant for brothers to dwell together in unity!

Agreement is VERY POWERFUL. Agreement means ‘symphony’, harmony – like in a symphony everyone plays their note together – different notes – but all in agreement. Matt. 18:19,…if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father…. You can come into agreement with God and his purposes…or you can come into agreement with satan and his purposes. Agreement is a spiritual principle so it works both ways. The moment you think you are immune – you will be trapped! Satan knows if he can get the Body of Christ stirred up over things that don’t really matter (things he blows out of proportion) he can keep us out of agreement……and that’s where the real power is – AGREEMENT!

So, search your heart – who are you in agreement with? Have you been misled by the ‘mob’?

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