Friday, May 1, 2009

Newton's Third Law

Newton’s Third Law

"To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

A timely reminder for something we all know…….but forget, because we are leaky vessels. As I was reading Acts 16 and 17, God revealed something we often forget: I Cor. 15:46, which states, “However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual.” I was reminded of Newton’s Third Law of Motion as stated above. This is a natural law…but can be applied spiritually as well.

You see, I read something that happened three times in the course of a few verses. I saw a MOVE OF GOD…….and then, a MOVE OF SATAN. God moved miraculously through His people to save others and increase the Kingdom of God. Almost immediately afterward, satan moved through people to bring hardship and confusion. Interesting…both sides using people. But that’s another blog…this one is about realizing the actual effect you are having in the Kingdom when you let God move through you.

Here’s what happens: God impresses you to go here or there and speak to someone or do something. You do it, in obedience to the call - the word of the Lord, and seemingly, all hell breaks loose! Paul and company went to Phillipi, went down to the river to find a place of prayer, spoke to the people, Lydia and her household were saved. (Acts 16:11-15) Paul et al then delivered a fortuneteller of her demon, ticking her masters off - whereby they stirred up the people against them and they were thrown in jail! (Act. 16:16-23) MOVE OF GOD……MOVE OF SATAN!

While in jail, the earthquake happens, the guard and his household are saved. (Acts 16:24-34) God sends Paul and company to Thessalonica where they preach and reason with the people of the local Jewish synagogue and many Jews and Greeks were saved. Then, the non-believing Jews became jealous and found some wicked men from the market and formed a mob to set the city in an uproar against Paul and company. (Acts. 17:1-5) MOVE OF GOD……MOVE OF SATAN!

Now Paul and friends are off to Berea where many Jews believed along with a number of prominent Greek women and men. Then the jealous Jews of Thessalonica found out what was happening there and journeyed to Berea to agitate and stir up the crowds once again. (Acts 17:10-13) MOVE OF GOD……MOVE OF SATAN!

Now…….think of this: sometimes when you minister, (MOVE OF GOD) you may think you are not very effective at the time. But you may be able to really gauge how effective your ministry was by the MOVE OF SATAN against you and your ministry. It can come many ways. Satan knows just how to form his attack most effectively against you. You may experience a physical attack or an attack in your mind; it may come in the “form” of a friend who speaks words against you and your ministry, or anyone who can discourage you from continuing your ministry. Notice…the attacks NEVER stopped Paul and company – they just moved on to the next assignment.

If satan moves harshly against you, know that you have been very effective in your ministry. When God moves through you to bless people, expect and “equal and opposite reaction” from satan.

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff! It's true. Satan never messes with you until you start walking in the footsteps of Jesus. He always wants to throw something in our way to make us lose sight of the path that we are on.
