Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Once God has made himself know to you, what you do next is YOUR decision. Your reaction reflects what you really believe about Him.

A year ago, God woke me up at 4:30 on a Sunday morning and told me to go to Mid Cities Worship Center in Grand Prairie, Texas. The urge was soooo strong that I felt if I stepped out the door I would be carried by the Spirit over there. I could literally feel a pushing on my back.

I waited until Louis (my husband) woke up and asked him if God had told him anything about where to go to church today. I always want Louis to hear these things and NOT ME. But that's another struggle and another story. Anyway, he said, no, I guess we'll go to Bread of Life (where we are members). Then I told him my story. He reluctanly agreed to go.

We had been to this church a couple of times a couple of years ago. Louis went to a school there, so that's how we heard of it. A small fellowship with an 80 year-old pastor who liked us and always was praying that we would come back.

Anyway, I thought I was going there to maybe get a word for me or something to help me in my confusion about where God was leading us in ministry. I walked in the door and immediately felt at home. Felt the freedom to worship and dance and sign. The Holy Spirit fell (which I assumed was a regular occurance). I heard God say some things to me in regard to that church. He often speaks to me about churches in general, not often about individuals. After getting up off the floor, after arguing with God for several minutes that I shouldn't give a word as a stranger in a church.....I felt the pastor was about to call me out. So, I stood up and asked permission, and he said, "Go ahead, sister, you are family here." I gave the word. It was quickly absorbed by the congregation. And I mean ABSORBED. That doesn't always happen that it feels that way. I was taken aback. Testimonies and repentance began to happen at that moment. That word continued to affect the congregation for the next four weeks with fresh testimonies every Sunday.

Now, what if I had stayed home that day, or decided that wasn't God speaking, or didn't go because Louis was reluctant. (God wasn't speaking to Louis.....He was speaking to ME!!!!) That word and the resulting blessing would not have been given to that congregation that day. They needed to hear it from someone they didn't know......but somehow completely trusted (because God was on it and in it...not about me at all). The whole thing had to do with God finding a willing vessel, (me) and open hearts (the congregation) to hear the Word He wanted to bring to set them free.

I was the vessel, doing His work in His world in His Church. It's hard to wrap your mind around that. God uses people, plain ole' people to do His work on His Earth in His Church. What a humbling experience that I might have missed had I said no and not obeyed immediately.

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