Thursday, March 4, 2010


I fully believe that the Word of God is ALIVE. Therefore, making what it said yesterday still pertinent today. Several years ago, God came ALIVE on a scripture in Isaiah 26:1-2. ".....He sets up walls and ramparts for security (salvation). Open the gates....." Yes, these are just portions of those two verses, but God used that to show me an important truth that I would like to add to what Linda said. 1. We set up our walls and think they keep us safe. 2. God says he has already set up walls for us. 3. Our walls have no gates...nothing going out and nothing coming in. 4. God's walls have gates, for coming and going.

Our problem is TRUST. We don't trust that God can keep us safe, we don't believe His word, so we build all kinds of walls to keep the hurt out. When we are able to fully trust God and know that He ALREADY has walls of protection around us, we are able to let go of our walls.

Our walls, having no gates keep us stagnant, like the Dead Sea there is no flow. We're just full of foul, nasty, stinking water, that seems to slosh out unexpectedly upon people causing them hurt and pain. Remember.....hurt people, hurt people.

When our walls are down and God's are up and we are fully trusting in and relying on God for our protection, the gates are opened to allow God to come in and bring the living water that is to flow from our bellies and bring life to those around us. Also when the gates are opened, we can flow out and bring life as the scriptures speak of. say.....if the gates are open, I can get hurt! Certainly, according to God's word, He will protect you. Gates can be shut.

INCREASE YOUR FAITH, TRUST AND BELIEF. Let YOUR walls down. TRUST He will protect you within His walls. Let Him open and close the gates.....YOU ARE PROTECTED!

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