Friday, September 24, 2010


1 Thess 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Now that does sound crazy.....but the real question is, DOES IT WORK?

The real answer is: OF COURSE IT DOES! Well.....actually, "it" never works ~ GOD WORKS! Not just because God said it, I believe it, enough said! No, I have actaully practiced this scripture on many stormy ocassions in my life. I thank God for who He is: the One who promises to be with me always. I love to read Heb 13:5b from the Amplified (hard of hearing) Bible: I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [Iwill] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let you down (relax my hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]

My daddy was diagnosed with colon cancer in 1985. When the surgeon came out with the "news", we were all devastated, as we had believed for a miracle. First thing I did: hit my knees in front of the surgeon, family, everyone. My mother implored me to get up and not fall apart. I was not falling apart! I was going to my Maker, the Author and Finisher of my faith to tell Him I still loved Him, believed in Him and would trust Him no matter what the outcome.

Eight months later, daddy was taken back into surgery to "re-hook" his colon because they had done a colostomy with the first surgery. We were again believing for a miracle. God gave us a miracle that time! His cancer was completely gone! No sign of it anywhere! We were amazed. Again, I went to my knees to thank my Maker. What a time of rejoicing that was!

The rejoicing lasted until the fall of 1988, when the cancer returned. Daddy and Mother drove to Houston for treatment at M.D. Anderson. After 6 grueling weeks of treatment and no change in the scans, they sent him home. Daddy and Mother stopped at my house first, on the way home. I wasn't expecting them; I had cooked supper and was serving it when they came in the door. We were getting ready for a special meeting at church that night. When my daddy left in January for treatment, he looked like a healthy energetic man. When he returned home in early March......he was an emaciated, weak man, struggling to walk with no appetite.

They didn't stay long, they didn't say much, daddy hardly ate a few bites. I managed to "hold it together" for the sake of them and my 7 year-old daughters. Louis was already at church. We hurried out the door after they left. I walked into church and proceeded to lose it right there in front of everyone. The worship started. I pulled myself together and headed for our usual pew.....the front row. It was at that moment that I made a decision that would change me forever. I made a choice to PRAISE HIM IN THE STORM. We sang a song taken straight out of Psalm 3: " Lord, how are they increased that trouble me! Many are they that rise up against me.
2 Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. 3 But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head." I stretched my arms toward Heaven and lifted my head and praised my Lord!

Now, of course I cannot say I never cried again over my daddy, or beg God for another healing. I certainly did! But, in my heart, I knew He was going to take Daddy home to be with Him in glory, and the rest of us were to stay behind for now and mourn our loss. Yet, during his funeral, once again ~ I praised Him and I worshipped Him with all my heart ~ because I had learned even more about trusting Him.

I have many more stories about learning to lean and trust Him and PRAISE HIM IN THE STORM.....but I best save them for another time.

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