Friday, August 13, 2010


God says: Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? Matt 6:27 So, if worrying can't change something, WHY DO WE KEEP TRYING TO CHANGE OTHER PEOPLE? Do we seriously think you have that much power? We seem to expend lots of time and energy, not to mention words (talk, talk, talk) trying to get people to change to our way of thinking, our way of doing things, well, just "OUR WAY". We spend the precious time that God has given us here on this Earth worrying about why Sister Do Dad and Brother So and So don't change their ways.

Spending time trying to change people is a trap of the enemy. It is manipulation. I believe that God would like us to focus some of the time, energy and talk changing ourselves. When we ask God to change us, and we cooperate and let Him change us, we will find that those things that were bugging us about Sister Do Dad and Brother So and So.....well, their "stuff" suddenly seems quite small and unimportant. What happened? Did God change them while he was changing us? Probably not. No....he probably changed us. He changed our perspective by filling us with His love and that somehow changes just about everything in our lives.

Am I saying that God will never use you to help someone to make a needed change in their life? NO! CERTAINLY NOT! However, until we are changed into His image, bear His scars, and can bring His love with a neutral heart, He cannot use us to reveal Himself to those we have judged as needing "change".

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