Friday, July 30, 2010


One of the prices you will pay to have REAL PEACE in your life is to give up strife! You cannot possibly be at peace in your life if you are in strife with someone.

Prov 13:10: Through presumption comes nothing but strife, but with those who receive counsel is wisdom. Sometimes, we "assume" someone means one thing when they really said another. So, we become offended....and strife has a place to enter into our lives. We cannot be at peace and have strife at the same time.

Let's start by getting rid of this type of strife in our lives. 1) Assume the BEST instead of the WORST about a person. 2) Give the person the BENEFIT of the doubt. Don't you like BENEFITS? I know I do. 3) Satan loves to TWIST what someone says into something they didn't mean before it hits your ears.

One of the peculiarities about us humans is that we often judge people by our own opinions of what we would do or say. OUCH! This often is the result of past hurts or the way we were raised, causing us to preceive life and people in a certain way. Ask God to heal you of these things and to give you HIS EYES, HIS EARS and HIS HEART. You will be amazed at how much strife will fall from your life when you stop judging people according to your ways, deeds and expectations.

Always remember: Gal 6:7: Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Sow PEACE...reap PEACE. Sow strife.....reap strife.

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