Thursday, June 17, 2010


One of love's true tests: CAN YOU LOVE THE UNLOVEABLE....the one that has been mean to you, hurt you, used you, played you for a fool, stole from you, irritates you and everyone else?

Jesus says: Matt 5:44 and 46 "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;....For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? Do not even the publicans the same?"

I heard a story about two couples that lived next door to one another. They had been best friends for years. One day, friend one's husband said he wanted a divorce because he had been having an affair with friend two, next door. Can you imagine the hurt, the shame, the betrayal?

Would you believe: he divorced friend one and married friend two and moved in NEXT DOOR. What humiliation! Who could believe such a thing! Friend one was eaten up with hurt, shame, betrayal, humiliation.....UNFORGIVENESS. How could her BEST FRIEND do this to her and her children? This ate at friend one's heart day and night until bitterness set in.

Friend one finally began to cry out to God for relief of the bitterness. He told her she had to forgive and love again. " How could she possibly do that," she asked Him. He said, "You know it's her birthday next week. I want you to bake her a cake like you used to every year." "WHAT? Are you kidding me? Don't you know what she did...?!?"

Of course, God knew what she did. He still loved her and He knew the only way friend one could be free was to forgive and love again. Out of plain and simple, grit your teeth obedience.....she baked her "best friend" a cake. She baked it with bitterness, iced it with bitterness and forced herself to take it to her house, dreading every step she took, wondering what she would say.

She knocked on the door, her "best friend" answered......and her tears started to flow as she handed her the beautiful hand crafted birthday cake......and her bitterness was suddenly replaced by love. Why? Because she cried out to God, He told her the remedy and she OBEYED.

She could love again....she was FREE! This story is not made up. It is completely true and was told to me by the pastor of the woman this happened to, over 20 years ago.

Has someone "done you wrong" and you don't love them anymore? Is your heart hard and closed to loving others because of past hurts and betrayals? The person most miserable in this you. Forgive and love the Jesus does.


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