Saturday, May 29, 2010


I have heard people say that the eye is the WINDOW TO THE SOUL. You can tell many things about a person by looking at their eyes. You can tell if they've been laughing, thinking, pondering, drinking, smoking, tokin', crying.....any number of things. But you really must look deeper to see the soul. In fact, if the Lord does not reveal to you the condition of somone's heart or really know NOTHING at all.

You really must spend some time with a person, looking them in their eyes to know what may be going on with them. Of course, red and swollen eyes could mean crying.....but are they sad or joyful tears? Blood shot eyes could mean drinking too much alcohol.....but why? What pain are they trying to kill? Glazed eyes can signal drugs....but what are they trying to forget?

We must guard our eye gate. By that, I mean, what goes into your eyes....goes into your brain....which can cause some serious good thinking....or stinking thinking. Looking at porn, for example: those images can become implanted on our brains and they are very hard to rid ourselves of these images. Watching blood, guts and violence on tv or the movies can start to dull our senses where we are no longer shocked when the real thing happens....and we become callous toward such things, because we are "used to seeing these things" with frequency. Then we become ineffective in our witness against them, because we don't even notice them.

Parents! It is your responsibility to guard your children's eye gates as well as your own. Take some time today to consider what you are letting into your WINDOW. Then take action and close the gate!

Take time to tenderly look into the eyes of others so that you may truly touch them for Jesus, who is their only hope.

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