Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Whenever God speaks to you, it will require an adjustment in your life.

When God spoke to Moses at the burning bush, he had to make adjustments in his life to obey God. God told him to go back to Eygpt, where they were waiting to kill him, and tell Pharoah to "Let My people go." Moses argued that he was not a good speaker and that he should send someone else. Ex. 3-4

So, in order for Moses to go do what God said, he had to 1) believe it was God (He gave him several signs) 2) believe God could use him 3) believe God could protect him in Egypt 4) move back to Egypt 5) leave the life style (he was a shepherd) he had become acquinted with over the last 40 years. That would be a real paradigm shift in thinking for anyone! Going from sheep herder to leader and deliver-er of thousands of people, speaking in front of kings, doing miracles......

So, back to my story in the previous post: When God woke me up and told me to go to Mid Cities Worship Center, I had to adjust my thinking.....and my location. I had to believe that 1) God had spoken to me...it wasnt' the pizza from the night before waking me up. 2) That He had something good in mind. 3) That it was o.k. if He didn't tell Louis. 4) That it was o.k. not to go to "my church" that day.

So.....what adjustments do you need to make to obey God today?

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