Thursday, April 30, 2009


Acts 16:16-34. REVELATION. That's what's on my mind! Paul and Silas were thrown into prison by a mob that got all rowdy because someone told a lie and crowds like to believe anything bad about anyone. They even beat them and the jailer threw them into the inner prison and clamped their legs into stocks. So, they started praising the Lord and singing....others started listening...but not the jailer...he was asleep - until the earthquake that broke open all the doors and loosed the bonds of the prisoners. Fearing all the prisoners had fled, he grabbed up his sword to kill himself. Paul yelled, "Don't do it! We are all here!" He rushed in, fell down and asked. "What must I do to be saved." Paul and Silas said believe on the Lord Jesus and you and your household shall be saved. The jailer took them to his home, washed their wounds and fed them. A man, who hours ago had imprisoned them. Their "enemy" received a REVELATION - and now he is their friend. Pray for revelation so that your enemies will become your friends. What are you wrongly judging people for? DECLARE that your enemies will receive revelation and become your friends!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome stuff! Keep it up! Love you! We never know when God could have us where we are to minister to somebody that we never would have imagined ourselves ministering to. We must always keep ourselves available to what God wants to do!
