Friday, October 29, 2010

I'M A CRACK POT ~ Part 3

Let me explain some things about depression you may not know. It often happens in conjunction with panic attacks. My doctor thought I may have been having a panic attack that had lasted for months that had finally led to the depression. I also had exteme body aches, it hurt for anyone just to brush up against my arm. I was also experiencing an inability to sleep. I was afraid to sleep. Afraid I would not wake up. By the time I got real help, I had not had any appreciable amount of sleep for over 3 weeks.

I want to make it perfectly clear, that I still believe that demons can cause these same symptoms in people, but I want to remind you that we have POWER over the devil.....if you tell him to go....prayer and fasting.....prayer of agreement......shutting doors, etc. and the problem is still there: IT'S NOT THE DEVIL.

Another thing I want to make clear is that some people go through brief periods of depression because of circumstances beyond their control and they begin to feel hopeless and helpless. Although this is actually different from what I experienced, it is often the same source ~ a chemical imbalance. This can happen when you are in an overwhelmed state for several weeks. Eventually, the chemicals in your brain become imbalanced. A doctor can perscribe an anti-depressant to get you over the rough patch. They are non-addicting.

In my case, my brain became whacked out on February 28, 1995. It wasn't until September 10, 1995 that I finally received a revelation from God of what was happening to me. I have no idea why it took so long to get that revelation, except when you believe something so strongly (only demons can do this was my false belief) it takes a while for you to hit the bottom of your belief system. The night before, I experienced my first "mood swing" I didn't know what it was and thought for sure I was dying and that I was having a reaction to the pills the doctor had given me. The best way I can describe a mood swing is to say I felt like I was being suck through the floor.......all my energy....all my life source was being drained from me. I could hardly move. It lasted at least an hour or two before I began to slowly creep back up.

So, back to September 10th. I was lying on the couch and suddenly God spoke to me. Not in an audible voice. It was louder than that. It was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. God said, "You do not have a demon, you have a medical problem and you need to go to the hospital so I can take care of you." I IMMEDIATELY got up off the couch, went to the campus doctor's office and asked them to get me set up to go to the Haven. They did. Louis took me there later that night with my pink bags packed with a few belongings. I was scared because they wouldn't let him go with me to my room. But, as I walked away from him, I suddenly felt God pick me up and carry me gently to my bed to rest.

A great spiritual journey began for me at the Haven. Starting with repenting for judging people ~ expecially weak women ~ thinking they should build a bridge and get over it or get rid of the demons in their lives. Guess what? Your brain, like other parts of your body can become sick. It works with chemicals and when those are out of whack, you become out of whack.

Often, you must try several different kinds of medicine to find what works for you. It takes 2-4 weeks to notice a difference. If that med doesn't work, it may take a month or more to find out.....then you have to try another one, and maybe another one. Don't give up. Also, remember, that these pills do not cure you, they help control your symptoms until your crisis is over and your body takes over again or God heals you. I am still waiting and believing that one day I will be completely healed of my chemial imbalance. In the meantime ~ I thank God for giving men and women gifts to make medication to help our human bodies live in a fallen world.

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