Thursday, September 23, 2010


LEANING ON THE EVERLASTING ARMS! In times of kaos......when there is nothing you can do about what is happening around you.....just relax, let go and LEAN on Jesus. Right now! Why wait! Stop what you are doing, put on some worship music and LEAN! If you are leaning on His everlasting are very can hear His voice in the quiet of the moment. LEAN! When you are in that quiet moment......reach over and shut off that music and listen to the quiet....feel the If He has something to say, you will be ready to hear. Maybe He just wants to hold you........

TRUST in the Lord with all your heart. The Hebrew word in Prov 3:5 for trust is batah: trust in, feel safe, be confident, careless; stressing the feeling of being safe or secure. Likewise, all the derivatives have the same meaning "to feel secure," "be unconcerned." So....during your "tornado" experiences God wants to bring you into TRUST ~ where you feel safe, secure and unconcerned ~ because you KNOW that God is with you, in control and looking our for your best interest. When you were a baby, you felt safe and secure wrapped up in a blanket and held closely by your parents. I am certain this is no coincidence. God shows us in the natural about the spiritual, because we understand that better.

Other Semitic languages give other shades of meaning to the word TRUST: to be stretched out, taut. Very interesting, don't you think? Well....anyway, if you don't, I do! Not that I enjoy the thought of being stretched and pulled in all directions. But, that is what happens to us when we are learning to trust. This will make us more flexible, able to go with the flow and roll with the punches in life. And one thing I know for sure.....there are lots of punches, pushing, shoving, bending and stretching in life!

So.....when you are on the ride......learn to lean!

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