Thursday, August 12, 2010


CHANGE.....why is it no one likes to change? Why do we want to stay in our little comfortable nest? What? You mean that you really DON'T want to stay in your really have these dreams and aspirations? REALLY? Then why are you staying in your same situation doing the same things you have been doing?

You can't expect to have change in your life if you are not willing to give up something. You cannot hang on to the old and grab the new with both hands. I can see it now.....we hang on to the old "fence post" while we grab the new "fence post" with the other hand. Now what? Do you want to stay there....hanging between the old and the new, never really possessing either one? Decisions, decisions....what to do? Do I grab back to the past and stay safe where I am comfortable and know everyone and everything that's going on there? I grab forward to the future where I don't know everyone and everything that's going on there? Unless you are willing to grab it with all you've got, you cannot possess it.

Unfortunately, the human condition LOVES COMFORT. And yet, built into us is an innate sense that drives us to want more. Often the truth of the matter is: UNTIL IT BECOMES EASIER TO CHANGE THAN TO STAY THE SAME.......we remain as we are.

Here's what we do: we pray and ask God for something. He says, " say you want to go to the next level, let's see if you're ready!" BOOM! A crisis happens.....a test, if you will. But you don't recognize that this is a test! So, you don't cooperate with God, you don't relate what you prayed to what is happening to you right now. You blame the devil, you blame sister Do Dad and brother So and So, you say you don't have enough money, strength, knowlege, etc......on and on we go with the excuses.

Try this instead: when you pray, you should EXPECT God to answer. But don't expect His answer to look like what you asked for initially. The answer may very well start with a test that looks like nothing but a mud pit to you and you want nothing to do with it. But....guess what! GOD IS IN THAT PIT! Jump in and see what happens. I promise you, that thing you prayed, if it was God's will for you and His'll find it in that pit. There are the finest of jewels in pits of mud, deep caves and deep water. JUMP IN!

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