Friday, May 21, 2010


Ps 32:8-9 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My EYE. Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you.

As if it were yesterday, I can remember "that look" that Daddy would give me when I was not behaving correctly. That's all it took.....just a look with his eyes, and I stopped what I was doing and obeyed and followed his instructions. That is how God wishes to guide us....with His eye. He does not wish to use a harness, bit and bridle....He wants us to come with a simple beckoning of His eye.

Of course, unless you really know the Lord intimately, you don't know what His eye looks like. My daddy had green eyes, with flecks of amber in them. I knew my Daddy's eyes and could sense what he was saying to me without a word passing between us. Do you know your Heavenly Father's eye? Is He able to guide you with His eye? Or must you be pulled and tugged on to go His way and not your own? Don't be a mule!

Another parallel to this scripture: When our children are young, we must raise them by the "law" (the harness, bit, bridle and whip) because they have no we train them in this way to teach the the way to go and to protect them...because they have no understanding. As our children grow up, and they receive Jesus as their Lord, we are able to guide them with our eye.....or teach them under GRACE and not the LAW. By this time, we should be teaching our children to hear, see and follow the Lord themselves. Not JUST because "we say so", do we train them, but we teach them what their loving Heavenly Father says in His word as we watch them grow in the grace of the Lord, seeing the fruit of the spirit in their lives. Our children become controlled by the Spirit of the Living God, and not by the law......instead.....they obey because of their relationship with the Eye and not the bridle (the law).

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