Wednesday, April 28, 2010


JESUS IS YOUR DOOR: "I am the door....." John 10:9. Jesus said He is the door, so circumstances are irrelevant, for no one can shut the door that Jesus opens (Rev. 3:8). If you have substituted Christian activity for your relationship with Christ, then circumstances can disrupt your activity.

We are often tempted to think that when the going gets tough....the door has been closed. This is often far from the truth. If you have been following Jesus you are not going to get too far from the "way". Perhaps you simply misinterpreted what your mission was or who you mission was about. I have done that many times. When God sent me to a church I thought it was so I could RECEIVE a word. Instead, I was to GIVE a word.

What about Paul and Silas? God led them to Philippi and it appeared that the door to their ministry in Greece had been closed when they were arrested and put in jail. Instead, the Lord had opened a door of ministry to a previously unreached group of men in prison. The Phillippian jailer and his household would become a significant nucleus of the new church in Philippi. (Act. 16:22-34)

Too often, we are willing to give up when people oppose us and become discouraged or worry about what others are doing to us. Instead, we should continuing doing THE LAST THING GOD TOLD US TO DO. And then trust The Door (Jesus) to work all things for the better for His Kingdom. After all....He is the boss and we are not...we are working for His Kingdom....and not our own.

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