Tuesday, April 20, 2010


JOHN 12:3 "Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair." If we find our love for Jesus has waned or that we struggle to serve Him, it is a clear sign that we must take time to sit at His feet. Have you been involved in Christian activity on His be...half and yet neglected your relationship with Him?

Several years ago, I had become weary in well doing. I had witnessed first hand the prideful walking away of some friends from our fellowship. I felt very mixed up in mind and spirit. The Lord led me to seek Him at His feet during intense worship. I spent 4 nights a week, for 3 weeks, in intense worship up in the balcony at Youth for the Nations at Christ for the Nations. I walked away refreshed, restored and knowing what God was saying once again.

Please don't read this and think, "I will spend 4 nights for 3 weeks in worship and that will heal me, too." It's never about a method, a time or a number.....it's about a personal relationship. It's about listening to Him for His unique perscription for you.

You simply need to be in an atmosphere of worship. That often involves music and singing.....but not always. It ALWAYS involves you yielding your heart, your will and your way to the Master. That's why beginning everyday at His feet will keep your heart ready and willing.

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